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Plastic or Glass, we customize them both...

Customized Bottled Water

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Secure payment on this website is provided by PayFast. Security features include :

Entrust Certificate

With our Entrust certificate, PayFast is able to offer the utmost levels of security to businesses and shoppers alike. Through PayFast , online payment processing is safe and secure. Confidence and trust between clients and businesses are built and secured, based on one of the most consistent network infrastructures available. PayFast use Extended Validation SSL with 256-bit encryption. Only two of the four major South African banks use this –the highest– level of encryption currently available.

PCI-DSS Level 1 Compliant

3D Secure is in place for all credit card transactions.

Secure Infrastucture

PayFast's entire site, blog, payments page and help site all are served off secure servers, making it harder to perpetrate phishing attacks.

Personal data remains private

As PayFast or the business do not access the sensitive and confidential information of shoppers, their personal data remains entirely safe and private. All sensitive info is encrypted within PayFast's own database.

Identity Theft

PayFast use GEO IP tracking to see where transactions are originating from and look for mismatches between this and the card’s issuing country. Payments and card details are automatically checked against large online databases of blacklisted details.
